O coronavirus trastorna os plans do estudantado galego na China

Estudantes galegas na China apuran diferentes solucións ante a falta de colaboración directa por parte do Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores a través do persoal da embaixada do Estado español en Beijing mais do consulado en Shanghái. A paralización da vida universitaria e o peche das residencias obriga o alumnado a regresar ou a respectar o retiro e os controis decretados polas autoridades chinesas.
January 24, 2020 - Shanghai, China: A man on a bicycle wears a protective face mask in wake of the coronavirus outbreak rides along a deserted Fuxing Road in the former French Concession on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Yesterday the Chinese government took the unprecedented step of quarantining the entire city of Wuhan (population around 11 million) in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus beyond the city of its origin. There are fears that the coronavirus may spread through out China and beyond during the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays - the world’s largest annual migration. Chinese citizens were expected to make around 3 billion trips over the 40 day holiday period. (Dave Tacon/Contacto)

January 24, 2020 - Shanghai, China: A man on a bicycle wears a protective face mask in wake of the coronavirus outbreak rides along a deserted Fuxing Road in the former French Concession on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Yesterday the Chinese government took the unprecedented step of quarantining the entire city of Wuhan (population around 11 million) in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus beyond the city of its origin. There are fears that the coronavirus may spread through out China and beyond during the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays - the world’s largest annual migration. Chinese citizens were expected to make around 3 billion trips over the 40 day holiday period. (Dave Tacon/Contacto)

photo_camera Estrada deserta na cidade de Fuxing, na provincia de Hebei, en vésperas do Aninovo lunar chinés (Europa Press).